Friday 22 January 2010

Last But One Today But Can't Wait

I must admit I've had enough of being here now. The novelty of cooked breakfast every morning, although it's a small plate, has worn off and I left some this morning, just not feeling like eating it. They usually have at least one nice choice of hot food for both lunch and tea, but not being used to eating three cooked meals a day and unfortunately up until now not having enough will power to resist I've been eating what I'm not used to and it has caught up with me today. I'm beginning to feel sluggish and bloated and being immobile for the majority of the day is definitely not helping. The walk to Starbucks was cut today because of the rain and I'm due to start today's treatment at midday again, which means an early finish, but not a lot of chance left to get out this morning. I can't wait to have a decent night's sleep in my own bed and hopefully wake up at a decent time when I want to - sheer bliss.

It still looks like I am retaining water and this morning I noticed my face in the mirror. It looks like a balloon, very rounded and red. The nurse came today for more blood and didn't do too well with the needle so another big bruise next week to go along with those on the back of my hands.

So far, trying my hardest to find some wood to touch, the side effects of the chemo haven't been too bad it's just being in the hospital that is beginning to get me down a bit. It's strange how we all moan about getting up for work and usually having a similar routine each day but I can't wait to get back to mine.

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