Monday 11 January 2010


I decided to start a blog after being diagnosed with testicular cancer back at the end of October 2009 but after the chop op and then Christmas I just never got round to it. Unfortunately the op was not completely successful and I now have to go through chemotherapy which should start within the next few weeks.

I'll try and make this blog a record of what goes on during my treatment but I think it will most probably cover other day to day things.

An appointment with my consultant at the South West Regional Oncology Centre resulted in a five day three cycle treatment but because I expressed a wish to minimise the potential damage to my lungs, being an avid cyclist, the last cycle will not include any Bleomycin. The decision to go for a five day regime and not a three day one is because I have issue with my kidneys and over five days the daily dosage is less and so will cause less damage to the kidneys.

There are several things I have to do before the Chemo starts, one of which being a visit to the dentist to have a tooth taken out. I had a bit of toothache just before Christmas so made an appointment to see the dentist between Christmas & New Year by which time the pain had disappeared. I was told that I needed a root filling or the tooth removed but it would be OK to leave it until the pain re-occurred. Unfortunately if the tooth becomes infected during the Chemo it can potentially cause me severe problems as during each cycle my immune system will be very low. The other things are preliminary to the start of my Chemo and include a kidney, hearing & lung test.

That's where I am at the minute and now all you readers are up to speed. All I have to do now is remember to maintain this blog as I go through my treatment.

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